Jering is a legume native to
Southeast Asia. It is a tree of ±20 m in
height with large brown spiral pod measures ±30 cm in length and ±5 cm
width. Seeds are rounded compressed
measure ±3 cm diameter, yellowish-green in colour.
It’s botanical name is Archidendron jiringa (Jack) Nielsen,
of the Mimosoideae subfamily of Fabaceae family. Synonyms includes : Albizia jiringa (Jack) Kurz , Archidendron
pauciflorum (Benth.) I.C. Nielsenl., Feuilleea
jiringa (Jack) O.Kuntze , Inga
jiringa Jack ex DC , Inga kaeringa
(Roxb.) Voigt , Mimosa jiringa Jack ,
Mimosa kaeringa Roxb. , Pithecellobium
jiringa (Jack) Prain , Pithecellobium
lobatum Benth. , Zygia jiringa
(Jack) Kosterm. Etc.
It is knows as different names in different countries : niang, niang-nok, chaniang, luk-nieng ( Thailand ), da nyin thee ( Myanmar ), jengkol, jringkol ( Indonesia ), etc.
English names include dogfruit, djenkol bean, etc
The beans are cooked as satay, curry or redang, roasted or boiled.
However, it is mildly toxic due to the
presence of djenkolic acid. There are
about 20g of djenkolic acid in every kilogram of dry djenkol beans.
Djenkolic acid precipitates into crystals which caused mechanical
irritation of the renal tubules and urinal tract, resulting in symptoms such as
abdominal discomfort, loin#1 pains, severe colic#2,
nausea, vomiting, dysuria#3, hematuria#4 and oliguria#5,
2 – 6 hours after ingestion. Urolithiasis#6
can also happen.
Treatment of the toxicity requires hydration to increase urine
flow, and alkalinization by sodium bicarbonate.
Prevention can be avoided by thoroughly cook the jering beans. However, there are reported case of renal
failure without experiencing any symptoms.
Note :
#1 loin = sides between the lower ribs and pelvis
#2 colic = a form of pain which starts and stops abruptly
#3 dysuria = painful urination
#4 hematuria = presence of red blood cells in the urine
#5 oliguria = low output of urine
#6 urolithiasis = forming of calculi stones in the kidney, bladder
and/or ureters