
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Covid-19 Man Shopping > Ubi

Ubi refers to any edible plant root : ubi kayu, ubi keledek, ubi keladi,  ubi kentang, sengkuang dll.  Even though all the ubi sharing the same epiphyte, they came from different part of the world, and of different family and genus of plant. 

Despite all the differences, all the ubi contain lots of starch.  The starch is actually polysaccharide ( polymeric carbohydrate ),  when cooked, breaks down into simple carbohydrate ( glucose, fructose and galactose ).   This explains why the cooked ubi are sweet in flavor.    

Here are some, which are quite rare, maybe even alien to some, especially for those privileged one whom never had worry what to cook for lunch &/@ dinner.

Kudzu / 粉葛
( Puereria lobata var thomsonii )

Kudzu is the general name for plants in the genus Pueraria.   It is originated from East Asia.

The root is usually used in Chinese stew soups, which enhance the ‘sweetness’ of the soup.   Kudzu starch, which is extracted from the root is used as food ingredient.

Sengkuang / Jicama / 沙葛
Pachyrhizus erosus

Sengkuang is from Mexico.  It is first brought by the Spaniard to the Phillippines, where it is called singkamas.  

Sengkuang is usually consumed fresh, an ingredient in rojak.  It can be cooked, or used as a main ingredient in popiah.

 Chinese Yam / Nagaimo / 山药
Dioscorea oppositifolia

As the name suggested, Chinese Yam is originated from China.  Chinese Yam was Introduced to Japan in the 17th century and Europe during the 19th century European Potato Failure.

The tuber is cylindrical in shape, capable to grow up to 1 meter in length.   When cut or peeled, it exude slimy, slippery substance. 

In Japan, 3 groups are recognized :
Nagaimo ( 長芋 ) - long, cylindrical type ;
• Ichōimo ( 銀杏芋 ) - flat, palmate shaped type ;
• Tsukune imo (ね芋) - round shaped type.

Chinese Yam is can be consumed raw, or cooked.  Also used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Beet / 甜菜头
Beta vulgaris vulgaris

The beetroot is the taproot of a beet plant.  Beets were domesticated since the ancient Middle East.  During the 19th century, wine often was coloured with beetroot juice.

Beetroot can be eaten boiled, roasted or raw, pickled

Beetroot contain lots of betanin.  Betanin is not broken down in the body, and may cause colour of stool or urine to be reddish in colour.

Kelaldi / 芋头
Colocasia esculenta

Keladi is originated from the Old World tropics.  It was believed that it was one of the earliest cultivated plants.

It is not rocket science that a keladi’s corm is edible, but many are not aware that the leaves are also edible.

Keladi contains calcium oxalate, which is toxin if consume raw.  The toxic can be destroy via cooking, or by steeping in cold water overnight.

Yacón / 雪莲果
Smallanthus sonchifolius

Yacón is originated from the Andes of South America.  In the 1990s, it was introduced to Japan, and from there to other Asian countries.

It is crisp, sweet, and fragrant, almost similar to jicama.


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