1. 鸡腿一个,去皮去骨,切丁
2. 韭蒜一根,切长4cm
3. 马铃薯一粒,切丁
4. 大蒜数片,剁碎
5. 绍兴酒,少许
6. 糖,少许
7. 生抽,少许
1. 鸡腿且丁后以生抽、糖、绍兴酒腌泡。
2. 瓦煲加热、上油,微炒蒜米至香。
3. 鸡腿肉加入瓦煲,微炒。
4. 加入马铃薯丁,搅拌。
5. 微火焖熟。
6. 鸡肉熟后,加入蒜,熄火。瓦煲耐热,余温足以焖熟蒜根。
Ongzi believes that cooking is a basic instint, yet can be perfected through experience. One need not to be a master chef to cook. However some common-sense, simple logic and lots of love are essential to handle a stove. In kitchen, everyone is a teacher, at the same time, an apprentice.
Acar Sarawak is somehow different from the rest of the acar available in other part of the region. The main ingredients of acar Sarawa...
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