
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mushroom Chicken Soup 香菇鸡汤

1. half chicken, approx 650g
2. dried shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) , pre-soaked, 20piece
3. canned button mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) , 1can
4. ginger, sliced
5. sesame seed oil
6. Foochow redwine ( optional )
7. water, 3liter

1. sauté the sliced ginger over sesame seed oil
2. put in the chicken, stir with Foochow redwine, till partially cooked
3. transfer the chicken to a pot, add water
4. put in all the shiitake mushroom, and button mushroom
5. simmer till cooked.
6. add salt to taste

Button Mushroom 蘑菇

雙孢蘑菇(学名:Agaricus bisporus),俗稱洋菇,為最常見的食用菌種之一。洋菇中文别名为蘑菇。

蕈傘成熟張開 common mushroom, button mushroom, white mushroom, table mushroom

蕈傘成熟張開採收cremini mushroom, Champignon mushroom, Swiss brown mushroom, Portobello mushroom, Roman brown mushroom, Italian brown mushroom, Italian mushroom, cultivated mushroom 等。

在分类上隶属真菌门,担子菌纲,无隔担子菌亚纲,伞菌目,蘑菇科,蘑菇属( Phyllum:Basiomycota, Class:Agaricomycetes, subclass:Homobasidiomycetidae, Order:Agaricales, Family:Agaricaceae, Genus:Agaricus )

It has a complicated taxonomic history.
1871, it was first described by English botanist ordecai Cubitt Cookie in Handbook of British Fungi, as Agaricus campestris var. hortensis.
1926, it was named as Psalliota hortensis var. bispora by Danish mycologist Jakob Emanuel Lange.
1938, it was promoted to species status and renamed Psalliota bispora.
1946, Emil Imbach renamed it as Agaricus bisporus.


洋菇含有维生素BCD等维生素与锗元素( Germanium )

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ongrizinal Nasi Lemak 王子の椰浆饭

Nasi lemak is rice cooked with pandan flavour  extract and coconut milk.

Serve with sambal bilis, hard boiled egg, sliced cucumber, roasted peanut and deepfried anchovies..  I personally develop a exquisite taste to have it with curry dahl. 

Curry Dal

Curry Dal is my favorite.  I like it to go with roti canai and nasi lemak.  I like it so much that I decided not to be held ransom by the Mamak stall operators.  So the next logical course of action is to prepare my own concoction.

So, I seek the advice from K, and so she says….

Ingredient A
1. 100g lens ( kacang dhal ) ( seeds of Lens culinaris )
2. 1 piece of tomato, diced
3. I piece of carrot, diced
4. 1piece of potato, diced
5. 1 liter water

Seasoning A
1. asafoetida ( Ferula assofoetida ) powder
2. Turmeric / kunyit  ( Curcuma longa ) powder
3. Curry powder

Seasoning B
1. butter or margarine
2. mustard seed
3. curry leaves ( Murraya koenigii )
4. dried chili
5. clove / cengkih ( Syzygium aromaticum )

1 pre-soaked the lens beans in water for > 1hour
2. simmer all the Ingrdient A in water until the lens beans softened
3. put in a bit of turmeric powder for the yellowish colouring
4. seasoned with asafoetica & curry powder
5. add salt to taste

on other pan
6. heat the butter or margarine
7 heat the mustard seed till they popped
8. add in some clove, curry leaves and dried chili
9. stir a bit
10 add to the Ingredient A mixture

Serving suggestion :
best to go with Roti canai

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Asafoetida 兴渠

Asafoetida ( Ferula assafoetida ) is a perennial herb from the family Apiaceae, native to Persia.

Asafoetida’s English and scientific name derived from Persian word for resin, asa and Latin foetida, which refers to its strong sulfurous odor.   Its pungent odor has resulted in its being called by many unpleasant names : thus in French it is known as merde du diable ( devil’s shit ), and equivalent names is other languages :  teufelsdreck ( German ), dyvelsträck ( Swedish), duivelsdrek ( Dutch ), duiwelsdrek ( Afrikaans ), pirunpaska or pirunpihka ( Finnish ).  In Turkish, it is known as şeytantersi ( devil's sweat ), şeytan boku ( devil's shit ) or şeytanotu ( the devil's herb ).  In Dravidian languages, it is known as inguva ( Telugu ), ingu ( Kannada ), perungayam ( Tamil ), kaayam ( Malayalam ), Hing ( Bengali ), Perungkayang ( Sinhalese ) .…..

The commonly available form of asafetida is compounded powdered resin containing 30% asafetida resin, along with rice flour and gum arabic ( natural gum made from hardened sap extracted from Acacia senegal and/or Acacia seyal ).  Asafetida resin is extracted from the steam and roots.  The resin is greyish-white when fresh, but dries  to a dark amber colour.

Typical asafetida contain about 40-46% resin, 25% endogenous gum, 10-17% volatile oil, and 1.5-10% ash.  The resin is known to contain asaresinotannols ‘A’ and ‘B’, ferulic acid, umbeliferone and four unidentified compounds.

This spice is use as a condiment and in pickles.   Its odor, when uncooked, is so strong that it must be stored in airtight containers, otherwise the aroma will contaminate other spices stores nearby.  However its odor and flavor become much milder and more pleasant upon heating, acquiring a taste and aroma reminiscent of sautéed onion and garlic.

It is also widely used as antiflatulent, fighting flu, and digestive aid.



「茶」字主要在中唐以後被普遍使用,此前多使用「」(/ㄊㄨˊ)字。「荼」是由表示草本植物的草字头和表示「苦味」的「余」字组成,本来指的是苦味的植物苦菜(齿缘苦荬菜,Ixeris dentata)。茶从原産地雲南地区往四川、江南以及長江流域传播,推定当时使用「荼」字并配以「dia/ㄉㄧㄚ」或「tia/ㄊㄧㄚ」的发音(反切为:澄麻切)。一般认为,在陸羽所著的《茶经》中,将「荼」字减少1画以示区别。《茶经》中多使用「茶」、「」(jiǎ/ㄐㄧㄚˇ)、「」(shè/ㄕㄜˋ)、「」(míng/ㄇㄧㄥˊ)、「」(chuǎn/ㄔㄨㄢˇ)这5種名称,不过,其他的借用字也存在,一共加起来的话有10种以上的字被使用。关于「茗」字,现代汉语对茶也有「茗」的称呼,比如「茗茶」这个词。

茶的学名为 Camelia sinensisCamellia 采自Georg Kamel, J.J. ( 1661-1706 )之名。Carl Linnaeus 为纪念 Kamel 对植物学的奉献而名之。Kamel 原为耶稣会牧师,曾到菲律宾传教 ‘sinensis’ 即拉丁语为中国之意。




绿茶    经杀青、揉捻、干燥,大部分白毫脱落,浸泡绿汤绿茶,中国大部分名茶为绿茶,如龙井碧螺春 等。
红茶    经过发酵的茶,有工夫红红碎两种,有利于消化,西方人比较喜欢红茶,名茶有印度的大吉嶺阿薩姆;中國的祁红等。
白茶 新采摘的茶,經過萎凋和烘乾,不揉捻白毫显露,名茶如白牡丹等。
黄茶 经杀青、揉捻、闷堆、干燥,叶已变黄,浸泡黄汤黄叶,名茶如君山银针等。
青茶    又名乌龙茶,是经过萎凋、曬青、搖青、殺青來作部分发酵,绿叶红边,既有绿茶的浓郁,又有红茶的甜醇,名茶如中國铁观音大红袍、台湾的冻顶茶东方美人茶
黑茶 经过後发酵(殺青、揉捻、渥堆)的茶,颜色深,著名的有普洱茶

花茶 一般选用绿茶与新鲜茉莉花窖制的茶,除茉莉花茶以外,还有珠兰花茶
紧压茶 : 一般选用红茶黑茶,经过蒸汽熏蒸变软再压缩成型、干燥,以便于运输、贮藏。如用普洱茶制成的沱茶砖茶深受蒙藏地区青睐。



多酚类化合物 ( Phenols )
茶多酚Tea Polyphenols也称鞣质,茶叶中有含量很高的各类多酚类化合物,从茶叶中提取出的多酚类化合物粗产物被称为茶多酚,临床上可以用于肾病的治疗,包括肾小球肾炎肾病综合症等,据研究,茶多酚具有抗氧化、清除自由基及抗血凝、促纤溶、防止血小板粘附和聚集的作用,同时还能够作用于体液免疫细胞免疫红细胞免疫机制,抑制自身免疫反应。另据研究茶多酚可能与细胞的遗传物质DNA具有亲合作,从而干扰DNA的生物合成和核酸代谢,因此具有一定的抑菌作用,并可以防治龋齿


茶多酚中最后重要的成分是儿茶素 ( Catechin )(一种黄烷醇类物质)。

生物碱 ( Alkaloids )
生物碱是一类重要的生理活性物质,茶叶中含有含量较高的咖啡因 ( Caffeine )茶碱 ( Tehophylline ) 等具有中枢兴奋作用的生物碱类化合物,是提取咖啡因和茶碱的重要原料。

黄酮类化合物 ( Terpenes )

氨基酸 ( Protein )
茶中含有的氨基酸主要是茶氨酸 ( Theanine )。茶氨酸是谷氨酸γ-乙基酰胺,有甜昧。茶氨酸含量因茶的品种、部位而变动。即使同是绿茶,在香茶、焙烤茶中含量少,在玉露炒茶中含量多。


