
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Food Additives : E516 Gypsum 石膏 & E511 Nigiri 盐卤

Two types of coagulants are used in traditional tofu making :


Gypsum ( E516 ) is quarried from geological deposits.  Composed of calcium sulfate, gypsum is a traditional and most widely used coagulant to produce Chinese-style tofu, it produces a tofu that is tender but slightly brittle in texture. The coagulant itself is tasteless.

Use of this coagulant also makes a tofu that is rich in calcium.


Nigari is produced from seawater after the sodium chloride is removed and the water evaporated. It contains mostly magnesium chloride ( E511 ) and calcium chloride ( E509 ) , and some trace amount of other naturally occurring salts.

It is normally used in northern China and Japan.


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