
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Kupang Ledang

Kupang, blue mussle
Species : Mytilus edulis
Family : Mytilidae

Kerang, blood cockle, 泥蚶
Species : Anadara granosa
Synonym : Tegillarca granosa
Family : Arcidae

Tiram, Pacific oyster, Japanese oyster, Miyagi oyster, 长牡蛎, , , ,
Species : Crasostera gigas
Family : Ostreidae

Species : Polymesoda expansa
Family : Corbicuiidae

Monday, September 1, 2014

清炒豆苗 Stir Fried Baby French Bean

四季豆,俗称乌龟豆是 Phaseolus vulgaris 的荚果。初成四季豆入菜 ,虽然只需稍微清洗、但还需掐两头再拔丝,十分多工。

俗称豆苗,是四季豆幼荚果。只需稍微清洗、无须掐头拔丝,可直接下锅。虽然只是 清炒,味道依然鲜甜脆口。

腐乳杂菜 Fermented Beancurd Mixed-Vegetable

Ongrizinal 茄汁鱼

我不爱买鱼、膛鱼、煮鱼、吃鱼,原因是它的腥和刺。没有腥、刺的鱼 哪儿找。。。

Julia 煎了条鱼,又切了車厘茄,大伙儿们吃不完,交代给我解决。昨天的芥菜遗漏了颈部在雪柜。。。


首先,先煎热鱼儿。然后炒熟番茄、菜颈、洋葱,倒入些茄汁,撒点糖、盐。料汁倒上鱼儿 便可。

Ongrizinal 潮州蒸红皂鱼

材料 :
1. 红皂鱼 ( 又写紅鰽鱼或红潮鱼Lutjanus johnii )) 
2. 咸水梅 ( salted plum Prunus mume )
3. 潮州咸菜 ( salted Chinese Mustard Brassica juncea var capitata ))  

应该还有 :
1. 豆腐
2. 冬菇
4. 番茄

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Chinese Style Mixed-Vegetables 杂菜

Ingredients :
1. cauliflower
2. broccoli
3. bell pepper
4. baby corn
5. carrot
6. garlic

Method :
1. cut all the vegetables into bite size… keep aside…
2. sauté some minced garlic until fragrant…
3. put in the carrot first ( carrot require more time to cook ), stir for a while…
4. add in broccoli, cauliflower and baby corn, stir …
5. add in a bit of water ( the heat from water vapor helps speedup the cooking ) …
6. lastly, add in the bell pepper…
7. sprinkle some salt to taste.
8. ( alternatively, can add in some oyster sauce or fermented beancurd )
9. serve hot.

Chicken Floss Lettuce 鸡肉松生菜

In a pot, add in a bit of water, about ⅕ of the pot. ( No need to fill the pot with lots of water.  More water means more energy for heating and more water to waste )

Bring the water to boil.  Add in some cripshead lettuce into the boiling water, mix a bit.  Close the cover to allow the hot steam to do the job.   ( don’t overcook the lettuce )

After a minute or so, kill the flame.  Add a bit of olive oil and salt, stir to mix.
Drain the water.   Put the lettuce on a plate.  Sprinkle with some chicken floss.

Friday, August 15, 2014


党参  ( 药名 : radix codonopsis  ) 与鸡腿砂煲内炖数小时即可.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


酱油 / 豉油 (廣東) / 豆油 (福建) (soy sauce ) 是一种具東亞特色用于烹飪的調味料。除了華人之外,日本人、朝鮮人及東南亞各民族均普遍使用。制造酱油一般以大豆为主要原料,加入水、食鹽经过制麴和发酵,在各种微生物繁殖时分泌的各种酶的作用下,酿造出来的一种液体。制作酱油的原料在各地有所不同,使用的配料不同,风味也不同,比较特别的是魚露。




釀造法 : 以大豆、脫脂大豆、黑豆、小麥、米等穀類,經蒸煮或以其他方法處理並經培養麴菌製成之「醬油麴」,或在此加入蒸熟米或蒸熟米以麴菌糖化,並注入食鹽水,或加生醬油、醬油醪使其發酵、熟成者。

用來醱酵的微生物一般为 :
- Aspergillus oryzae,Aspergillus sojae, Aspergillus tamari
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Bacillus spp
- Lactobacillus spp

速釀法 : 以酸分解或酵素水解植物性蛋白所得之胺基酸液,經添加醬油醪、生醬油等再發酵熟成者。

混合法 : 在前二種方法中添加酸分解法(及)酵素水解所得者。



生抽/醬清/头油 ( light soy sauce )

老抽/酱油 ( dark soy sauce )

醬油膏 ( thick soy sauce )

甜酱油  ( sweet soy sauce )

草菇老抽 ( mushroom dark soy sauce )
优质老抽中加入新鲜草菇 ( Volvariella volvacea ) ,多番晒制,几滴就上色,适用于红烧及烹调深色菜肴。

Monday, August 11, 2014

Edible Mushrooms - Agaricus

Agaricus biporus is an edible mushroom native to grasslands in Europe and North America.  The earliest cultivation was made by French botanist Joseph Pitton de Tournefort in 1707.

It is widely consumed in Asian as canned button mushroom, since early 1970s.  Fresh Agaricus mushrooms are available in Asian markets only after the 2010s.

canned button mushroom

It has 2 colour states while immature : white and brown, both have various names.  When mature, and the cap is open, it has yet another different name.

When immature and white, it is known as common mushroom, button mushroom, white mushroom, champignon mushroom, etc.

When immature and brown, it is known as Swiss brown mushroom, Roman brown mushroom, Italian mushroom, cremini mushroom,  brown cap mushroom, chestnus mushroom, Portabollini, etc.

When mature, it is known as Portobello mushroom, champignon de Paris, etc.

fresh white button mushroom

fresh brown button mushroom

fresh Portobello mushroom

Edible Mushrooms - 木耳


Auricularia polytrichaAuriculariaceae

Auricularia auricula-judae Auriculariaceae

Auricularia delicataAuriculariaceae

 白木耳, 银耳
Tremella fuciformis Tremellaceae

Edible Mushrooms - 香菇 Shiitake

香菇(Lentinus edodes),又名冬菇、香蕈、北菇、厚菇、薄菇、花菇、椎茸,是一种食用真菌。














Edible Fresh Mushrooms - Pleurotus

Common name : oyster mushroom, 蠔菇, 側耳, 糙皮側耳, 黑牡丹菇, 平菇
Scientific name : Pleurotus ostreatus

Common names : king trumpet mushroom, French horn mushroom,
king oyster mushroom, king brown mushroom,
boletus of the steppes, trumpet royale, cardoncello,
杏鮑菇, 刺芹菇, 刺芹側耳, 새송이버섯, eringi (エリンギ)
Scientific name : Pleurotus eryngii

Common names : 白灵菇
Scientific name : Pleurotus eryngii var tuolensis

Edible Fresh Mushrooms

Common names : hatake-shimeji (ハタケシメジ)
Scientific name : Lyophyllum decastes

Common names : hon-shimeji (ホンシメジ)
Scientific name : Lyophyllum shimeji 

Common names : buna-shimeji  (ブナシメジ ), 
brown beech mushroom, brown clamshell mushroom
Scientific name : Hypsizygus tessellates
Synonym : Hypsizygus marmoreus

Common names : bunapi-shimeji (ブナピー), 
white beech mushroom, white clamshell mushroom
Scientific name : Hypsizygus tessellates ‘hokuto shiro #1’

Common names : 茶樹菇
velvet pioppini, black poplar mushroom
Scientific name : Agrocybe aegerita

 Common names : enokitake (エノキタケ), enoki, 
金针菇, golden needle mushroom, 팽이버섯, lily mushroom
Scientific name : Flammulina velutipes

Common name : paddy straw mushroom, straw mushroom, 草菇
Scientific name : Volvariella volvacea

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Nasi Goreng Petai

First, sauté 3-5 cloves of minced garlic.  Add in some minced meat and diced carrot as well.  Then, add in the petai and sliced aubergine.   Stir-fry all ingredients till properly cooked.   Add in extra salt to taste.

Lastly, add in the cooked rice, stir to mix all the ingredients.  

Serve hot.

Sea Cucumber with Leek Soup 海参韭蒜汤

Using small flame, simmer a pork soup with few slice of ginger, in a claypot.   When the soup is done, add in the sea cucumber and Chinese wine, cook for few more minutes.   Lastly, switch off the stove and add in the sliced leek.  Wait till the leek is cooked.  Serve hot with rice.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Claypot Beef with Daikon Soup

 Ingredients :
1. Daikon, 1 piece
2. Beef
3. garlic
4. pepper powder
5. salt to taste

Method :
1. slice the daikon vertically into 1” thick
2. cut the beef into ½” slice
3. put all the ingredients into a claypot
4. sprinkle some pepper power
5. fill in water till full.
6. simmer until the pot is ½ full. 
7. add salt to taste
8. garnish with spring onion (optional)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

焖鸡腿韭蒜 Claypot Chicken with Leek

1. 鸡腿一个,去皮去骨,切丁
2. 韭蒜一根,切长4cm
3. 马铃薯一粒,切丁

4. 大蒜数片,剁碎
5. 绍兴酒,少许
6. ,少许
7. 生抽,少许

1. 鸡腿且丁后以生抽、糖、绍兴酒腌泡。
2. 瓦煲加热、上油,微炒蒜米至香。
3. 鸡腿肉加入瓦煲,微炒。
4. 加入马铃薯丁,搅拌。
5. 微火焖熟。
6. 鸡肉熟后,加入蒜,熄火。瓦煲耐热,余温足以焖熟蒜根。

Homemade Honey Lemon Marmalade

Clean a whole lemon thoroughly.  Cut it into 1cm cubes.
Fill the cut lemon into a glass jar.  Poor the jar with honey until ⅓ full.
Close the lid and keep the mixture in the fridge ( or somewhere cool and dry ).  The peel and pulp will (hopefully) break down into a marmalade-like mixture.

Believe it or not !  The marmalade is said to be a good remedy for sore throat and cough. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Moka Pot

Moka pot is a stove-top coffee maker which produces coffee by passing hot water pressurized by steam through ground coffee.

It was patented in Italy by Luigi De Ponti for alfonso Bialetti, in 1933.  Bialetti Industrie continues to produce the same model under the name “Moka Express”. 

Traditionally, moka pots are made of aluminium and are used over a flame or electric range.  The aluminium moka pots cannot be used on induction stoves.

Types of Beer - A Pictorial Guide

Table Setting - A Pictorial Guide