材料 :
1.白萝卜 ( Raphanus sativus var longipinnatus ) 半条,去皮,切片
2.红萝卜 ( Daucus carota spp sativus ) 半条,切丁
3.牛肉 100g,切丁
4.白米 250g
5.水 2.5liter
6.麻油 少许
做法 :
1.全部材料先大火煮滚,然后转至小火,煲米成粥。( 约 30分钟 )
2. 加盐调味。
........ 配皮蛋吃,一流 !!!
Ongzi believes that cooking is a basic instint, yet can be perfected through experience. One need not to be a master chef to cook. However some common-sense, simple logic and lots of love are essential to handle a stove. In kitchen, everyone is a teacher, at the same time, an apprentice.
Acar Sarawak is somehow different from the rest of the acar available in other part of the region. The main ingredients of acar Sarawa...
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